Smith Court Request Form

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Event Type *
Number of Attendees *

Requests must be made within 48 hours of date and time

In-Season Varsity Sports Programs will take top priority, including any time overlaps for team practices

Practice Times Are Subject to Change 

Only Authorized Athletic Staff Members Are to Access Storage Closet

Sound System Should NOT Be Played At Maximum Volume Level

Only Suffolk Students and Staff Are Permitted To Use Suffolk Facilities

Proper Shoes and Athletic Attire Must Be Worn At All Times

Groups Are Expected to Clean Gym/Bleachers After Usage

*Please Note :  Open Gym Hours will be 10:00am-5:00pm. Only In-Season Sport teams will be able to block off time during that period with the supervision of the Coaching Staff. Outside Suffolk office may also block off time during that period with the supervision of a staff member. This will remain for the 2024-25 academic year.

Weekly Gym Schedule will be posted at:

Groups are expected to provide their own equipment, items for events.

* required field