Rams Reflect: Women’s Cross Country/Track & Field’s Sarah Roberts

Rams Reflect: Women’s Cross Country/Track & Field’s Sarah Roberts

The 2023-24 Rams Reflect is the ninth in a series of annual collections. Senior captains and representatives of Suffolk teams have been invited to contribute viewpoints based on personal experience from both their senior seasons and full varsity careers at Suffolk.

For a complete listing of past and present Rams’ Reflections, click here

Sarah Roberts, Women’s Cross Country/Indoor & Outdoor Track & Field | Hometown: Taunton, Mass. | Major: Print & Web Journalism 

Looking back at my time on the Suffolk cross country and track teams, one word comes to mind: pride.  

When I came to Suffolk in 2020, we were the underdogs and I was really, really bad at running.  

My sophomore year going into the first cross country Commonwealth Coast Conference Championship since the pandemic shut things down, there wasn’t really a chance of us winning. But we did anyway. I’ll never forget the moment Coach walked up to Syd and I with a picture of the team scores on his phone and said something along the lines of “I think this might actually be true.” It showed us in first by three points. The pride I felt in that moment is something I’ve felt every day since that win. We’ve never looked back and losing hasn’t been an option since. 

A couple weeks later, we started attributing our success to having a “rodent mentality;” not caring about the elements and the obstacles that will be in our way and just finding a way to get the job done. We’ve won two more cross country championships, and it wouldn’t be possible without everyone’s dedication to this grueling sport. It's a mental sport and we’re all insane.  

Coach Feldman took a risk when recruiting me in high school. At the time that he started recruiting me in 2019 I was running 24-ish minute 5k’s and feeling hopeless. I had given up on myself. I wasn’t planning on running collegiately because I didn’t think I was good enough and had no idea where I was even going to go to college. Somehow, Coach saw something in me at my last high school cross country race and took a chance on me and I’m so glad he did. His decision to give me a chance has brought so many opportunities into my life on and off the track. 

To Coach,  

I want to take this as an opportunity to thank you for everything without you saying, “that was all you, no need to thank me!” Because that’s not true. You encouraged me even when I was, no joke, very bad at running, and gave me a good dose of tough-love when I was acting like a baby. It’s been an honor to be called your “four-year project” because hey, it was a success! You turned me into a runner I never would have dreamed of becoming. You instilled a great amount of confidence in me and really showed me how mental this sport is. I broke down barriers I didn’t realize I had because I had you as my coach. Thank you so much. 

To my team, both women’s and men’s, 

Calling you my teammates feels so impersonal. You are my family. It sounds so cliche, but it’s so true. We spend every morning together, we’ve seen each other at our worst, our best, and everything in between. You all will be in my life forever and I’m so thankful for the bond that we all share. We’ve been there for each other in every aspect of each other’s lives, on the course/track and in our day-to-day lives. Cross country and track are very individual sports if you make them that way and we’ve never let each other carry the weight alone. The girls and I have always said “when it gets too hard to do it for yourself, do it for each other.” Thank you all for being there, I’ve loved winning with you all. 

To Sydney Fogg,  

You’ve been there for me in every way possible and I’m so lucky to be able to call you my best friend, my teammate, my co-captain and my roommate! You inspire me, challenge me, and support me. I’ve never had a friendship like this. We spend pretty much all our time together and I’ve somehow never gotten sick of you. You’ve turned into a bonus sister to me. Thank you for sticking by my side during this journey and beyond. I love you. 

To my family,  

Thank you all for being in my corner for every turn, every lap, every bad race and every PR (personal record). Whether you were at home waiting for my text about how I did or at the race, your support was unwavering and you were proud no matter what. Thank you for coming to my last cross country conference championship, it was an honor to win in my favorite season one last time with you there. Thank you for being my biggest fans. Mom and Dad especially, thank you for letting me come to Suffolk. I love you all. 

To the incoming team,  

You’re about to start the most amazing experience of your running career, appreciate every single moment. I know everyone is telling you this right now, but it truly does go by so fast. Every time you put that blue-and-gold singlet on, do it with purpose, pride, gratitude and for everyone that has worn it before you that wishes they could wear it one more time. 

It’s an honor to be a captain of a team that has made so much history. I’m so lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. May rodent mentality live on. Keep breaking barriers. 

With love,