STEP 1:  Go to
STEP 2: Enter “new” as both the user ID and password.
STEP 3: Starting with the “General” tab fill out the form as much as possible. Yellow fields are required.
Please select all teams you will be participating in. For example, if you are an indoor and outdoor track athlete who also runs cross country, please select all three teams -- cross country, indoor track and outdoor track. 
Your name needs to be your full, given name
Your email needs to be your Suffolk University email address
Athlete ID needs to be your student ID number
STEP 4: Click on the "Sickle Cell" tab
As of August 1, 2022, the NCAA requires all Division III student-athletes provide confirmation of sickle cell trait status through either existing documentation from birth or recent testing prior to any intercollegiate athletic participation, including strength and conditioning, practices, competitions, off season training, or try-outs.  
Test results will not affect your eligiblity to participate in intercollegiate athletics
Please fill out the date and results

Please upload the test results document in the bottom left-hand corner where it says “Upload File

STEP 5: Click on the “Insurance” tab and fill out the required information
Upload one photo of the front and one photo of the back of your current primary insurance cards. DO NOT upload “front/back”. Please make sure the photos are clear and cropped. No background should be showing in the pictures. 
If you have purchased the University’s insurance and are waiting for the card information, please send an email to Anna Orfanidis at, stating that you are waiting for the university’s insurance cards. Upload the photos of the insurance cards as soon as they are received. 
If you do not have a policy start or end date, please write today's date and the date of your graduation. 
PCP is your Primary Care Physician
STEP 6: Fill out the information under the “Contact” tab with you emergency contract

STEP 7: Hit the “Save Athlete Information” button 

STEP 8: Under “eFiles”, there are forms that you can print out for your physician to fill out

One is a Physical Form. Your physical needs to be within 6 months of the start of athletic participationin Suffolk University Athletics as per NCAA requirements. If your doctor would prefer their own form, please make sure it has information with your vitals, that you are cleared for athletic participation, the signature of your doctor, and the date of your physical. Please upload your physical exam form to your profile. 

One is the NCAA ADHD Medical Exemption Form. If you have ADHD and are being treated with medication, the medication needs to be reported to the NCAA as these are usually banned substances. The form needs to be completed by the prescribing physician and have the required supporting documentation attached. Please upload this signed form and required supporting documents to your profile. 

One is the NCAA Anabolic Agents Medical Exemption Form. If you are prescribed any anabolic agents, hormone and metabolic modulators, peptide hormones, growth factors, or any related substances and mimetics, the medication needs to be reported to the NCAA as these are usually banned substances. The form needs to be completed by the prescribing physician and have the required supporting documentation attached. Please upload this signed form and required supporting documents to your profile.  

STEP 9: Select the “Forms” tab. In the bottom left-hand corner, under “Form Name” select the “Pre-Participation Questionnaire” from the dropdown then hut the “new” button. 

Answer all of the questions regarding your health and injury history. All information needs to be accurate and detailed

Hit “Save” 

STEP 10: Select the “Sickle Cell Trait with NCAA Link” form from the dropdown menu and hit “new
Please read the entire form, click on the link and watch the informational video, and sign the form

Hit “Save” 

STEP 11: Go back to the “Forms” tab and select the “Concussion Statement” form from the dropdown menu and hit “New” 

This form includes a video from the NCAA with information about concussion. Read and complete the entre form. Sign at the bottom.

Hit “Save

STEP 12: Select the “Mental Health Screening PHQ-9” form from the dropdown menu and hit “New

Read and complete the entire form. Sign at the bottom.

Hit “Save

STEP 13: Select the “Permission to Treat and Consent for Release” form from the dropdown menu and hit “New”.

This form gives the athletic training department permission to treat you and gets your consent to release necessary medical information to appropriate parties when required (ie. Parents, Team Physicians, Counseling Health and Wellness Center, and Disability Services). Read the entire form and sign at the bottom. 

Hit “Save

STEP 14: Click on the “Immunizations/Paperwork” tab

You DO NOT NEED to fill out your immunization information

This tab shows you the paperwork you have submitted and completed

If there are no checkmarks, you have not submitted the information

If there is a checkmark in the “Submitted” column with a date, the information has been submitted and pending review

If there is a checkmark in the “Verified” column, the information has been verified by the athletic trainers

If there is a comment, please make sure to read and edit what needs to be done

You can continually check to see if your information has been verified and if you are cleared to participate or not

Please make sure to double check the documents and information for accuracy. Don’t forget to save your work!! Then you are done!

If you have any questions, please email Sam O'Brien at, or Levi Roberts at